We've written a book!
And pre-orders are now open...
I am thrilled to share with you "Utopies en Immobilier" (only available in French for now), a product of my professional journey in the real estate world. This book is the culmination of years of research and dialogue, reinforced by an in-depth survey of more than 50 professionals in the sector across France and Europe, in recent months. City dwellers are often asked about their dreams for the city of the future. But we rarely question real estate professionals about their intentions to transform as a sector. This book is an invitation to reshape the contours of how the real estate industry intends to build and rebuild our cities in 2050. Prepare to be inspired, to challenge the status quo, and to discover how real estate can become a true lever for positive change for our planet and its inhabitants. The release is imminent. Join us in the conversation to build together the utopias of tomorrow!
The book will soon be available for order in bookstores, as well as on most online book sales platforms.